

One in five deaths in Ireland is caused by lung disease. It is the most common reason to visit a GP and the third most common reason for acute hospital admission.

ANÁIL, which means ‘breath’ in Irish, was founded in 1993. The association was originally known as the Asthma Nurses Association of Ireland. However, in 2000 the name was changed to the Respiratory Nurses Association of Ireland to reflect the growing diversity of respiratory patients, and expanding of the role of asthma nurses to encompass diseases such as COPD, pulmonary fibrosis and bronchiectasis.

The association has since grown from a membership of 20 in 1993 to 106 in 2021. We welcome, as members, all nurses who are involved in the care of patients with respiratory conditions. ANÁIL provides a supportive network and encourages information sharing, best practice and research collaboration through the website, regular email updates, and email discussion.

ANÁIL supports its members by fostering networking with other respiratory specialists and organisations.
ANÁIL encourages research by providing Bursaries to its members.
ANÁIL encourages and promotes new respiratory initiatives that improve respiratory care for patients.

We have nominated representatives who work closely with the Irish Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society.